Nice Black In Pantone
Convert Pantone Black C color into RGB Hex and CMYK values.
Black in pantone. Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black key. Ideally this is used for example on business cards and letterheads whereby only a certain amount of spot colors are used instead of the expense of CMYK. Color space information 3d3935 Pantone Black 7 C.
The hexadecimal color code 2b2926 is a dark shade of brown. Combine it with cyan andor other 4 color process inks - or use a PMS pantone black that comes ready mixed in a can. Convert Pantone 19-0303 TCX Jet Black color into RGB Hex and CMYK values.
Similar Pantone Color name Information Color Schemes Light Darkshades Tones Similar Colors Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image. Another great use is in Duo-tone images. Process black is just black ink and it will print black but not a rich black which is what we call it in the printing industry where I live.
Basically it is the standard language for colors and we are likely to use it as a reference. Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 100 cyan 0 magenta 0 yellow and 749 black. CMYK stands for the four colors applied during the printing process.
Pantone is a standard Color Matching System where a code number is used to identify each color. Pantone colors are color codes that stand for a specific shade. Color space information 2d2926 Pantone Black C.
Pantone Black 6 C is the blackest at Lab 8-2-7. Black and White Pantone Prints Pantone Poster Wall Art Print Black and White Art Black and White Decor Pantone Colors Set of Prints. CMYK 50 48 51 59.