Outrageous Pantone 3125 U
Convert Pantone 3115 U color into RGB Hex and CMYK values.
Pantone 3125 u. In the HSL color space 266782 has a hue of 198 degrees 55 saturation and 33 lightness. In the HSL color space 00afd0 has a hue of 190 degrees 100 saturation and 41 lightness. Pantone 8224 c metallics coated 009ace 89.
Searching for Pantone RAL and Sherwin-Williams. RAL Effect comprises of 420 solid colours and seventy metallic colours which is represented in unique code. Pantone 308 U information conversion and buy paint.
Searching for Pantone RAL and Sherwin-Williams. Pantone PMS 3125 00b0c7 Hex Color Code. Pantone 3125 C information conversion and buy paint.
In the RGB color model 00b0c7 is comprised of 0 red 6902 green and 7804 blue. This RAL to Pantone HEX Color Code Conversion. Pantone Color Chart Plexiglas Cross Reference T Transparent TL Translucent O Opaque Pantone Color Type Plexiglas Number Pantone Color Type Plexiglas Number.
PANTONE 3125 U Solid Color UnCoated 00A4CE 94. In the RGB color model 266782 is comprised of 149 red 4039 green and 5098 blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of 48271 nm.
Pantone pms 3125 u 00abc2 hex farbcode. Use the sliders below to select a HSL color. You can type any RGB HEX HSL HSV or LAB colors into the box.