Fun Pantone 313 U
The LRV for Pantone PMS 3135 U is 1928.
Pantone 313 u. The hexadecimal color code 0099ba is a medium dark shade of cyan. PMS 313 PMS 314 PMS 315 PMS 316 PMS 3105 PMS 3115 PMS 3125 PMS 3135 PMS 3145 PMS 3155 PMS 3165 PMS 317 PMS 318 PMS 319 PMS 320 PMS 321 PMS 322 PMS 323 PMS 324 PMS 325. In the RGB color model 008db1 is comprised of 0 red 5529 green and 6941 blue.
This color has an approximate wavelength of 48274 nm. The hexadecimal color code 0092bc is a medium dark shade of cyan. PANTONE 2767 UP Color Bridge Uncoated 00778E 91.
Color space information 008db1 Pantone 313 U. This color has an approximate wavelength of 48354 nm. Learn more about Light Reflectance Values and using RGB and Hex codes for paint.
In the RGB color model 0099ba is comprised of 0 red 60 green and 7294 blue. American Community Survey. In the HSL color space 76b9af has a hue of 171 degrees 32 saturation and 59 lightness.
PANTONE P 116-8 U CMYK Color Guide Uncoated 007FAF 98. In the HSL color space 0092bc has a hue of 193 degrees 100 saturation and 37 lightness. There are more than 1000 Pantone for only 200 plus RAL colours so there is less choice.
In the RGB color model 0092bc is comprised of 0 red 5725 green and 7373 blue. In the RGB color model 76b9af is comprised of 4627 red 7255 green and 6863 blue. If youre looking to match Pantone to RAL colours you will find that its more difficult than converting from RAL to Pantone.